
I'm Kim and I'm going 18.
I shall share almost everything with you
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online counter

Sweet Disposition

Madam can i have my journal back ? Alahhhh i need to write like lots of things to write on that thing . i'm getting darker and getting this illness . it's getting worse . Cough , running nose , fever and headache simultaneously :( guess what ? My license will be dead on 8/8/2012 . shit mangg . i need to skip my class for a day next week to upgrade my license to P :D Yayyyy but still ughh skip class . and the class for next week is Malaysia Studies , Grammar and college writing . Yeah im being hated now by MY EX . DEAR EX , you know i want you back but you seem happy without me . im not trying to get your sympathy neither do i want you to want me back since i know you dont . Know each other for 2 years , been together for a week and yeah i regret of letting you go at the second chance . Please dont think im being mean but think about how i see things . Im a guy who gets jealous and sensitive (i think hahahah) but all i want to be is with you . Since your phone had gone missing , you didnt texted me , you met with the guy who loves you and you came crying when that guy move on . You know what , i didnt cause i know deep inside you feel the same way too . I'll give you a present that you wont forget for the rest of your life . Happy Birthday on your 5th of August :)

No point
Hi . i'm Tuan Luqmanul Hakim Bin Tuan Rasli . Am i a jerk ? a huge question without an asnwer for myself as i don't know . But from my surroundings i think i am . Sorry if you don't own me but i'm free to do things for myself . i'm tired of always doing things for others to have advantages . Yeah being nice hurts dude :( Should i change ? I don't think there are enough reasons for me to change . If i change then i won't be socializing , no more being nice and i don't even care about what most people think about me . Once in a while , i should release the hungry side of me to proof that i'm not that nice . OOOOOOOO Nice guy im such a nice guy but i always finish last

Friends :D
  Hiiiii Bloggers :) I've been fine . She currently talks to me again and that makes me feel good anyways . As the title above said , i Made new friends and they're quite cool . REZA IS IN THE HOUSE YO ! Haha well he's a schoolmate :D Well there are also PUTERI , EVA , TYRA , MIERA AND OF COURSE DOROTHY WHO USUALLY DISSAPEARS CAUSE SHE'S TOO LAZY . Haha well i can trust Reza to take care of these girls for me . Ahhhh akhirnya ada geng . Mak asyik paksa balik kesian diorang sebab rumah jauh . 

I don't have a suitable title for this post buttttt i think im doing this cause im bored man ! My parents were like having these kinda little kids fight and they looked cute ! I want to have a relationship just like them . How frustrating to say that my most precious ended in a week :( Yeah i'm still not over it . But with Puteri , Tirah , Miera , Reza and others to support and guide me i think i'll survive these hardships . I've been busy at Uitm these past weeks . I'm sorry that my blog is BORING but it's my blog and this is one of the place i usually open myself to . Yeah i still love you girl and i miss you like crazy . But you're fine without me so i'll be moving on as well . And if you're reading this , i want you to know that i'm truly grateful to have you , to hold your hand and a week with you have been a wonderful gift to me . Yeah i'm too shy and egoistic for not saying this but i don't have the guts to say anything to you . My tongue is frozen everytime i see you , my hands get shaky whenever i tried to hold yours , and my heart shatters to tons of pieces to see you with other guys but don't you worry bout me cause i'll be fine without you as you're fine without me now . I told you i don't have the looks , i can't understand you but what i'm deliberately trying to say is ITRULYLOVEYOU from the bottom of my heart . If i could have the chance to say  and you'll give me another chance , would you be mine again ? And i won't let you go :(

    Hi guys ! Today is June 14th 2012 . It's my Mom's Birthday . Happy Birthday Mother :D Iloveyou . Thanks for always being there to support me . You support me from the point you don't even know . Just like today . Fyi , i just like broke up with my girlfriend . Ughhh it has only been a week and she asked me to called it off . i'm not the kind of guy to force woman to loves me . And 10 minutes after the breaking up part , my mum called and asked me to come down . She gave me a lattop ! i was like arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! Seriously i was touched . Thankyou Abah and Mak :D 

I'm in Uitm
Yeah it's been a long time since i write . Haha well if you can read well then i'm in UITM ! Haha Uitm Kuantan act . Orientation was in Jengka . Salam Khazanah Alam :D Woke up at 5 (of course my wake up is at 6) Haha but ughhhhh i bath just two time a days . Well i met my kinda soul-mate here . Nur Amily Binti Zainuddin . we met two years ago and that time she had her like long-relationship and i just hold back my feelings . we lost contact ----------------------------

The first day after the registration for dorms and stuffs , i saw her check-ins at Uitm Jengka . Yayy and i thought it wa fate and yes i confessed . bout the rest i'll tell you guys later kay :D cause i'm typing these using my friend's laptop and it's gonna be curfew then . Night guys :D 

   Hiii and Hii and Heyy ! Haha it's been a long time since my last update . Lots have changes . Just another 22-23 days to SPM results and hey everyone's working . GREAT ! Haha so yeah my L button doesnt seem right . I've been tapping with a ratio between failure and success . I'll give 10:1 . arghhhh Hii again hahaha im currently working at a grocery store and duhhhh my English is getting so dull that im just writing what's been on my mind . just to keep in mind that i mysef owned a blog . And i've been crumbling to get my hands on the new Blackberry Curve . Ahhhhhh im melting to think that my hands will be getting to touch and do 3G . they ruleees ! wippeeee doodle . Haha yayyyy im bored . Call me and im still a singular without a ral ! Yayyy imma jerk so back off nice one and come to daddy sugar mama ! wuhooo wootwoot haha im just crazy And HAPPY BIRTHDAY SYIRIN ! Saw your update on the latest , And not just her but everyone that i forgot to wish on . Have a healthy life :D chiaww

This is a HOT month as Islam taught us to stop our lust from blablabla . Okay puasa . Lapar gilaa kott nk tahan :D Grrrr and as i said earlier it's a hot month and everyone gets their temper up in this festive season . Lust will conquer all of people desire . Duh nasib baik aku ni penyabar kan tak ada lah nak naik baran sangat kan tapi kalau geram tu ada lah nak tumbuk orang kannnnn ? Lama tak update kotttt kan kan kan ? tokmu ah natang . Haha tiba je nak tulis mende carut ni . *tetttt tettttt tett you ! Haha mother#@!$^^ Im going insane weeeeeeeeeeeeee bye

Free Earphone...Lagi

Kawan ber-kebendaan
 As the title said , okay it's not my own idea to use the title but jyeah when i talked about the 'THING' to him he just said 'Well biasalah tu orang panggil KAWAN BERKEBENDAAN' and i was like a super duper 100% and couldnt agree enough with it . My mum said 'Kalau orang dah macamtu biar je, takpayah buat baik sangat . Biasalah kalau lupa kawan sekarang ni and . . ' So on and aku jugak kena bebel . So lepas ni tak ada dah lah nak baik dengan siapapun . Biarlah tak berkawan pun asal tak ada orang ambil kesempatan kan ?

Tokmu ah babi natang lancau pukimak
Kau pergi mampus ah pukimak . Malas buat baik orang sial macam kau dah . Bukan appreciate . Ye ah aku tak hot macam korang . Tak BESTFRIEND kan . Fine fine pergi mampus ah

Teksi :(
 Pakcik ! Hutang pakcik saya belum bayar lagi :(

 Pakcik ni belum meninggal tapi dia baik gila lah . Tiba-tiba teringat dekat dia . Aduh baik sangat . Cerita tahun lepas . Mak aku pun taktahu . Haha mak kalau baca jangan marah . Pakcik ni bagi . Haha

  So the story goes just like this . Maybe i'll exaggerate a bit . Haha so tahun lepas nak keluar kan . Mak hulur Lima Puluh Ringgit Perghhhhh . Okay then tunggu teksi . Pastu datang lah teksi ni . East Coast Mall lalu ye pakcik . Allright 10 ringgit ye ? So dah sampai siapa call aku eh ? Aku ingat pakcik tu je orang lain tak . Tapi yang pasti wayang lagi 5 minit start . Pakcik tu takde duit kecik then aduh letih tulis . Macam suspen je . Haha so bila dah letak phone pakcik tu Go ahead . Pay me later okay ? *Emboh tolong translate je . Haha bagi nampak classy sikit so terima kasih pakcik . Nanti kalau jumpa saya bayar okay :D

13 Goals (Y)
          Oh yeahh ! You hear me ! TIGA BELAS GOL ! Haha boleh ke ? Alah ni Kim ahhhhh mesti ah boleh . Biar Kaki Bangku tapi asal depan gol boleh skor ! Haha well this was yesterday events but my Mom used the lattop since she resist it in the evening . Orang puasa lah kan sampai lattop pun tak pegang . Haha okay akhirnya AKU MAIN FUTSAL . Haha so pukul 6 diorang main . Ada 8 orang including me :D Razeen , Mizan , Ali , Nasuha , Faeez , Sean and Taqi . Why Taqi's name in last place ? Haha i dont know . I seems to forgot his name . Eh-heh ==' sumbak pulok . 

   Okay the story about this blog .
Tersebutlah kisah ,
Lelaki dan perempuan ,
buat gitu buat gini .
lahirlah aku :D
   Haha how can i forgot to change the 'Baby <3' name on the followers name . Haha so i changed it . And jyeaah for anyone yang tukar link bagitahu lah kan . 

Updating ding ding ding
Itu dia ! Yes thats what ive been doing since i got no ideas what to do today . Yeay meeeeeeee <3 

I'm sorry since i cant change my wallpaper and cant make my own template and i got no money in my pocket no body *Mintak maaf termasuk lagu Osman :D Suka lettew . Aduh lari topik . So as i was typing abah suruh pergi kemaskan belakang rumah . Fyi i dont do gardening and cant identify lots of veggies . Except for the one such as cucumber and the simple stuff . Duh so im going 

5 minutes later 
* * * * * * *

10 minutes 
* * * * * * * * * * * * *

One Hour
Arghhh dad's so mad at me . Damn pokok lada tu apa ? Abah was like "Cabut situ cabut sini" and i replied "Yeah yeah yeah" and unsincerely i pluck out all the green and so ungreen stuff in the soil . Ikut hati geli tapi ikut kata abah "HOI TAK MAMPUS PUN KALAU GELI TU !" So buat jelah and bila dah siap i laid on the carpet and abah HAKIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ! HABISLAH POKOK AKU KAU CABUT OIII ! Haha of course lah takut then cakap ah dah lepas ni takpayah ah nak suruh Kim cabut cabut . Yeayyyyy tu je aku buat 

From my Bottom
    Single is such an awesome word . Im so bored right now . She's with another guy . Iloveyou but i dont . Hows that ? Cool enough :D Duhh i want you in my arm but theres something . Just this something that makes my heart rejects you . What am i supposed to do when the best part of me is always you ? What am i supposed to say when im all choked up ? I lost my spirit because of you . All my so called friends are being snatched away . Fyeah leave me alone for the rest of my life . When youre having some hard time come and talk to me . Leave me when youre in your happy unreal life . I dont want to have unsincere friends who takes advantages from another to get another benefits . Go straight away to the bottom of hell . What the hell am i posting ? Guess this is from the bottom of my heart to all . 

       Haha arent i being jealous all the time ? Some people says that is cause by the power of love . I dont give a damn about that thing called love . Is there another word for love ? Fyeah no . Haha i havent been updating since  i entered Skor A1 . Fuck im damn hungry right now and im hoping for some take away . Sis get home right now . 

 Nobody said it was easy to have someone you love and cared about . Haha i dont want to get involved so im putting a limit . Haha but i cant control my feelings . Fuck i even get jealous of my own friend :D Haha sorry *Kau yang text awek aku tapi aku tahu . Haha nak text takpe ah asal jangan sampai aku check nampak kau nak ejas . Haha eh lupa i cant control her . Shes too hott ! Pssssss . Haha and yeah nak gurau ada had kan . So kalau nak main sayang sayang dengan awek kau nanti kau jangan marah ah . Aku bagi ayat kau "Baru awek dah gelabah" Haha Ohmygodd shes super LANGSI . Sound terus . 

 The quote i just got from my teacher : Forget the dead yesterday 
                                                          Plan for the future days
                                                          So give your best today  *Or something like that

Makcik Manis CoolBlog
     Haha okay i guess youre wondering what is the relation between the title and the coolblog . Haha damn i hate the pearls . Hahah okay ill start the story now .

    Tengtengteng *lagu cinta tiga segi
 Haha mampussss . Okay tadi pergi KP kan sebab pergi balai polis . Tu cerita lain blablabla taknak cerita.  Haha so pergi mcD and tiba-tiba je nak makan Cool Blog . Haha so ada lah seorang makcik ni datang kan . Haha dialog beliau dan penjual :

  Auntie : Adik , saya nak coolblog chocolate kurang manis . Saya memang nak kurang manis . memang betul-betul kurang manis . Apa dia bahan dalam semua ni ?
  Penjual : Ouh dalam air ni mmg dah ada gula . And then nanti tambah dua skop air gula . So makcik nak tak ?
 Auntie : Ouh taknak lah .
 Penjual : Makcik nak bijik hitam tak ? Dia blablabla tapi ada perkataan MANIS 

 Haha aku gelak je kat tepi . Haha bayangkan betapa taknak manis nye makcik tu . So nama dia Makcik Manis Coolblog . Haha

Domammm !
   Aduyai im sorry baby for not there at your birthday :( Sorry sangat . I cant really think of anything except for her birthday . Dah plan kot nak bagi telur semua . But unfortunately harini jugak lah nak demam . Haish this week sucks a lot . My wallet and ic dah hilang . Tiba-tiba demam and lelah sikit . 190411 is Anis's Birthday and i was supposed to be there but haish im sorry baby . Okay ive repeated that for 3 times now . Okay tidur :)

Scandal Hangat di 6 Progressif
   Supp peeps ? Haha apa makna dia ? Booo bodoh taktahu . Tokmu ah NATANGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG . Haha so Taqi ada scandal baru . Nama dia Timah , Amar or something that goes like that kot . Haha paling benci aku kat budak tu sebab pandang aku lebih kurang . This is why i dont want kids . Haha mampus ah budak kecik pun . Haha dengki sangat aku baik dengan Taqi . Okay Taqi salam ah mak cik Asiah tu . Haha mak mertua baru kot . Haha budak tu kecik lagi dah pandai menggatal . Satu lagi video best gila pasal Phone diharamkan Haha sumpah kelakar cikgu dia . Haha Adtagfirullah Samad mu tgok bende ? Haha lawak sial dia ni

  Okay second pasal 6 Progressif . Taktahu pun cerita apa tapi ada lah seorang manusia pelajar SMKBR masuk pertandingan dia and Congrats to Irfaan Aqil Kaswan sebab dapat Ipad kot ! Haha perg memang menang secara mmg best ah . Taktahu nak cakap apa .
"Tu kau cakap APA"
"Tu kau cakap JUGAK"
"Tu kau cakap JUGAK LAGI"

 And so on . Macamtu ah debat mulut Osman Hariz Taqi and Zie . Haha kelakar je . So happy new weds to Taqi and congrats to Irfaan

Oh mmg kalau berharap gila2 tak dpt mnde tu . Haish itulah jadinya pasal BB tu . Blackberry Pearl bila mahu sampai kat tangan aku ni hoi ? Haish frust gila .

Im Awesome :D
       Okay ! Remember how i said "Aku taknak awek satu sekolah" . Well at first mmg taknak kan so lastly dah mmg jodoh kat sekolah kan . Haha tarikh tak silap 19/3/2011 . So like dia masuk sekolah kan and some of us know how Cendekia and Bestari works . We had the same interest , heads and get along well . If kelas Cen got a new student well Bestarian will like "WAHH A NEW KID" and yeah when i knew thats a girl is entering i was like "Ouh ikut ah bukan nak mengorat pun" but when tahu dia dari SHAKS i was very curious about who she is .  So pergi lah kelas Cen berbatu-batu tu . Haha and when i saw her i was like "Ah another beauty but who the hell is she ?" Then i knew that she entered SHAKS when she was 16 ouh im not there . 
      So like add her facebook , chat bla bla bla , the weird thing i see is shes like avoiding me . I tried to look at her face and when she realised it she ran away . WEIRDO was obviously on my mind . Haha and shes a best bud to my class monitor and i followed him to met her and i said HYEEEE ! loudly enough and she just replied hye :| Haha what a weirdo dude . So i was getting anxious about her being so weird . Girls duhh you know how theyre so vicious and using harsh word on the internet and get really tiny bitsy small when theyre facetoface . Haha so shes like that and i was thinking "Does she has a crush on me ?" So i get friendlier and friendlier with her : DONT KNOW IF THE WORD FRIENDLIER EXIST . 

   So the next thing i know is we're together . And our friends was like ouh "A new hairstyle , a new pair of shoes , a new GIRLFRIEND " Haha i just took a lyric out of Hey There Delilah . It goes like this "Our friends will make fun of us but we'll just laugh along because you know that none of them would felt this way" Haha i just laugh along . Hell yeah i think theyre jealous or to get revenge since i do mock them if they got a new girl or just break-up with them . Haha so thats all i know and yeah even though shes short , she has higher IQs that me . And yeah even though she doesnt have large boobs doesnt mean she dont deserve a boyfriend :p Teehee

   Ponteng ! Haha itulah perkataan paling sesuai nak cakap . Haha well i got my reason okay ! My sis nak balik egypt hari isnin . Flight pukul 12 malam . Baru lepas hantar ni . Haha best gila kot ponteng . Ada good news ada bad news . Good news ponteng sekolah dapat kasut kng fu ablong belanja . Haha bad news seminar addmath dah change schedule . Haish malas betul jumpa mr teoh tu . Haha malas dah nak tulis berbatu-batu . So bye .

Yahhh ! Cutiiii :D
  "Eh kau , cuti best tak ?"
  "Best ah , Apsal kenapa dgan kau ?"
  "Aku ada kelas doh ! Dari Isnin sampai Jumaat"
  "Alah macam kau pergi . Padahal taekwondo sampai khamis"
  "Haha ye ah lan"

  Dingdingding . Haha yeah sakit kaki , sixpack belah kanan and lega gila dah hilang stress . Haha so macam dialog atas tu cakap dari isnin sampai jumaat . Haha so ada sparring . Today is Tuesday so bawah 18 . Yeah this is life . Haha aku mmg target nak baut backthrust . So first opponent nama isma daniel . Haha kesian dia . Haha dia datang melompat so aku nak buat backthrust macam sir aku ajar . Haha sekali terkena tut dia . Haha mmg dia mengerang ah . Haha kalau sekali boleh lagi but tiga kali . Haha but still aku menang . Haha sakit wok kaki ni  . Haha econd opponent chinese . Haha ligat parok . Sakit kaki lagi teruk gila ah . Referee pulak racist kan tolak point aku sampai kosong . Haish takpe takpe . Last2 dapat perak . Haha cool kan ? Malas cerita banyak . Sebab tak dapat emas hilang snack plate osman nak bagi

26 February In the Morning .
     Yaww ! Haha so today bapak takboleh tidur je . Mak sikit2 ehem ehem . Haha saja je buat bunyi bising . Bangunlah pukul 9 . Haha then terfikir nak pergi bandar sebab lagipun harini tuisyen . Tuisyen pukul 12.30 sampai pukul 5 . Haha lama kan ? So pukul 10.30 dapat kol nak pergi kul 11 . Nak ambik and hantar baju kat kedai bundle lagi . Makan so kena ah pergi awal . So nanti cerita petang kang okay ? Chiow

The Boring day :D
   Okay dah tukar lagu ! Lagu Soley ley dari cerita Hantu kak Limah balik rumah . Haha cerita memang terbaik ah . Haha mak tiba-tiba terjumpa kan so letak ah . Bagi cheer up punya reader . Cerita pasal harini 23/2/2011 . Pergh satu je nak cerita sebenarnya . Time Physics Cikgu Asiah masuk kelas ajar kan . Haha belajar pasal force something ah . Haha dia nak tunjuk contoh . Dia panggil si Syaheer bisu datang depan . Dia pun secara macho tolak lah si Bisu tu the suruh tolak balik . Mak ai tiba-tiba dia main kasar tolak kepala cikgu guna satu jari je . Haha memang riuh satu kelas gelak . Haha


Al-Fatihah for this beautiful baby that has gone to the next world . My condolenses to my uncle's family . Hope you all can be strong as he will give you the syafaat in akhirat . Lets all pray for his safety . takziah ye untuk Cik amar and Auntie Maria . 

The Effing Holiday
       Hye peeps :D Miss me ? Haha cuti raya cina macam hell gila kot . Kerja rumah belambak nak mampus . Ni tak siap lagi ni . Haish cuba tgok chatbox . Haha follow lah yek . Kalau tak macamana saya nak follow balik . Haha tak ada idea nak tulis apa . Nak update but takde apa nak tulis . Apa-apa lah bye :D

           Menguap menguap menguap . Menguap ni sebenarnya syaitan semata-mata . Sesungguhnya menguap itu datang dari syaitan dan bersin itu daripada Allah . So kalau dengar orang menguap tu pastu macam ada bunyi kat hujung "Kehhhhh" or lain tu makna ada setan dalam mulut . Haha aku dengar kat tv9 . Haha pergh ingat boh . Sejak tu try tak menguap . Kalau menguap try tahan awal . Sumpah mengantuk minggu ni and minggu lepas . But tahan je lah mengantuk tu kan . Ye lah orang tua cakap nak SPM kan kena semangat belajar ilmu baru . Haha rasa macam sial sikit kalau time orang buat lawak aku gelak tapi time aku nak baut orang senyap . Haha takpe aku tak kisah dah alah bisa tegal biasa . Cewahh pandai ber-pepatah aku . Haha ada orang puji if i chitchating in English ill have a smooth slang . Haha adalah gambar ada budak macam muka Cikgu kat sekolah ni . Diorang cakap aku kutuk lah , Kena sedar diri ;ah whatthehell ? Haha aku tak kisah nak cakap apa tapi tak salah aku kau orang lagi banyak hina orang . Aku setakat cakap straight-forward and budak tu faham aku bergurau but kau orang yang gila-gila kutuk . Depan aku kau kutuk dia and bila aku letak gambar dia , INGAT AKU CAKAP LETAK GAMBAR budak tu kau nak pangkah aku cakap  mentang dia luruh lah apa lah . Kalau ada yang gurau tu aku faham . Yang perempuan pun aku faham nak betulkan aku . Paling tak best bila ada pulak cakap aku ni tak sedar diri . Haish aku sedarlah . Duduk sungai isap , baju pun takdelah nak brand mahal standard je , dslr pun tak ada , tak market macam kau orang kan . Muka sorang-sorang licin bukan macam muka aku teruk . Ye aku sedar diri lah der . 
                                                                                                                                Kim =)

Twenty Ninth January Two Thousand Eleven
      Haha patutnya harini keluar dgan Adam tapi malangnya . Pagi-pagi pukul 10 dah terjaga but try nak tidur balik tapi mata dah CEROHH ! Haha baru teringat Cukang mesej cakap nak jogging tapi haha malangnya . Then dalam pukul 12 gerak bandar . Ingat nak naik bas tapi alang-alang mak nak pergi bandar kan so tumpang . Ceh perkataan TUMPANG tu macam orang asing je . Haha so ingatkan nak pergi makan then last2 abah pergi Khelass dulu . Haha time ada event or new year msti macam Wow a lot of things is packed inside , tapi bila takde apa-apa Damn lengang sangat . Haha bak beli singlet je tapi keluar 50 woah ! Haha tu takpe lagi . Singlet 10.90 kira aada 40 lah kat aku sebab 90 sen guna duit aku . Haha nak jugak ada share . Haha then hulur 40 lagi dekat mak . But mak cakap "Lah ambiklah , ke dah ada duit ?" Dengan pantas aku masuk purse duit tu . Haha macam tak percaya je mak bagi duit banyak tu setakat gerak Kuantan . Haha so Alhamdulillah . Bajet duit nak makan , main boling . Haha malas aku tgok wayang . Then telefon Adam , Natang dia ni tak keluar pulak . So aku cari-cari orang . Buzz Buzz Buzz* Hey :) Agak-agak apa ? Then reply Hey BuzzBuzzBuzz* Tak keluar ? Then reply lastly si Tyaa ni ada dekat ECM . Damn aku kat Mega . Haha so dengan keringnya pergi ECM . Ontheway tu nampak sorang Ah moi ni . Haha macam kenal panggil lah kan "Ah Moiiiiiiiii" Ohmygodd Amy Chua . Haha lama dah tak nampak . Lambai tangan sudah then fikir siapa mungkin keluar Bling*bunyi mentol Zaed ! Haha call terus dia angkat cakap ada ECM . Haha okay mmg pergi ECM lah . Lagipun fikir nak balik naik Bas . Haha aku kisah apa asal murah . Ckap dah bajet so sukahati lah . Then sampai-sampai text Tyaa "Dah sampai ECM" Then call Zaed cakap ada kat atas . So jalan ah sampai ke wayang . Zaed BuzzBuzzBuzz* tunggu kat foodcourt . Jalan pergi foodcourt tiba-tiba datang sorang chick ni cakap Hey rupanya Tyaa . Haha suruh dia tunggu jap cari Zaed cari kat parking jumpa  apa nama dia huh Adam rasa . Haha yelah pastu ada Apist kot nama dia or is it Apish and ada Kumid aca cool sandar kat tiang . haha so salam ah sorang-sorang . Zaed takde lagi so masuk jumpa Tyaa ada Alya , Annees Sofea , Syameera yang baru tahu nak pindah tu je kot . Haha then nak pergi beli air tgok ada lah birthday boy ni nama Mirox . Haha lepak je stempat . Rupanya tengah caj phone . Haha macam-macam betul lah . Haha lepas chitchat pergi depan wayang nampak Zaed . Rupanya tengah karaoke . Haha so aku kena tunggu dia habis lah . Jalan lepak dekat kusyen merah depan KFC . Haish datang abang botak sorang ni Aliff Marwan . Haha kesian kena botak . Haha jalan-jalan lagi jumpa pulak Aiman Haqim , Harun pastu siapa entah lagi dua . Labelkan A dan B je ah . Haha pergi foodcourt walaupun taknak makan entah lah diorang ni boring sangat dah kot . Zaed ada dengan kawan dia and set pekerja dia dulu . Natang Zaed mntang aku tak makan cakap aku miskin . Haha tokmuuuu . Haha lepas tu pergi mana huh . Ouh pergi tandas . Haha lepas pergi tandas nampak Zaed dgan siapa entah perempuan-perempuan . Diorang ajak karaoke pulak . Haish haha aku keluar sepuluh Zaed keluar sepuluh kawan dia sepuluh . Ambik dua jam Zaed mintak dengan perempuan tu lah  Haha taktahu nama so perempuan jelah . Pergh memang gempak ah nynayi . Haha rock ! Aku jeir gila-gila masa lagu A little piece of heaven ! Yeahhhhhh ! Habis suara beb . Haha kul 6.50 macamtu blah . Cari Tyaa dia tak angkat so gerak Bustand or Busteng . Oh macam dipinggirkan je lepak situ . Haha bas dah takde and rosak . Haish dianggarkan pukul 10.30 gerak . Call mak cakap and then dia bebel . Si Tyaa pulak suruh teman dia . Its good that shes hot so pergilah . Dia cakap dia takut lah apa lah so lari pergi ECM . Dalam 3 minit sampai . Lari dari G sampai R . Haish dia call cakap nak balik dah . Haish mmg suka . Fuckkkkk ! Dammit . Then terpaksa pergi terminal ambik teksi . Nasib baik ada kawan lama so jimat ah duit sikit . Haha mmg suka gila basah-basah sebab berlari pergi balik ECM tu kan ? Ontheway balik dia call cakap sorry . Aku dah nak demam balik dah . Haish balik perang ! Dengan abah . Sekejap je . 5 MINUTES like that . So lain kali balik pukul 5.30 . Okay ? Deal kepada diri sendiri . Kalau keluar balik awal . Kalau dut sendiri skahati .

Second Holiday
So rasanya tahun ni nak tulis by week . Malas nak update hari2 . Penat bahu and jari . Haha so i was thinking about writing something in this week . But the draft didnt save it because my effing neighbour turn off their wifi . Grr so all the thing i type one just like that . Haha efff ! so like malas gila nak tulis dah . Haha nak cerita start dari isnin . Okay here goes
    ISNIN :                 
        We got assembly on Monday . Haha sumbak gila . Haha kena tahan kembar f3 mana entah f3 tu . Dia cakap rambut aku panjang . Dude look in the mirror lah . Your hand is longer than mine . Effing prefect . Haa thanks to Syakir for backing me up . Hes the super-cooperative prefect i have . Haha hes superrrr goodddd . Haha and i guess bangga jugak lah time addmath bila kawan2 tak reti boleh ajar . Haha tapi yang takboleh nye mesti ejek . Haish dalam hati Am i that stupid ? Okay im gonna do better than you guys on the next exam . God willing . Haha i sounded like im a brilliant guy . So someone said im half mature . Mature ? Haha thats good but i guess that come later . We should enjoy our schooldays happily without making fuss . Huh dont cha think ? Make memories with your friends cause i guarantee one day you'll tell stories to your wife and kids . Haha and when you will meet your friends in the future youll laugh about it . Haha

     Selasa :
         So tuesday is a boring day i think . We got all the boring subject . Duh i dont remember a thing on this day . Haha

     Rabu :
           Wednesday is cocuriculum day . I dont know if i spell it right . I make mistake too . Haha if i doesnt that i aint human doe . Haha so by wearing my TAEKWONDO WTF ! T's im done to go . I laugh like im insane when i heard my Bahasa Melayu teacher talk in malay to the germanian girl Wiebke Stulhman . Haha she talk like shes angry . P/S : The teacher is talking in Bahasa im just translating it .

         What book are you reding ?
         Nineteen Minutes
         Who is the owner ?
         Polo *something i dont remember (The writer's name) *Im giggling while listening
         And the teacher walk and turn like shouting
         Is it great living in Malaysia ? *I laugh like im screaming when the teacher said that . Haha

                  Then we have our cocu-assembly . Ughh the school was black-out . So its effing hot . But we're Form 5 so we sat near the door . Oh the breeze is cool . Haha and i ask the Naimsteng to say something at the front . Haha

                 That evening i got a Taekwondo training . Ohmygod its painful cause i havent gone to the training since last November . 

  I got nothing else happening on Thusday and Friday . Haha but im speaking in such a funny way now . Haha 

  Like : Apew ?
           Napew ?
           Ha darab 3
           Muaxx Muaxx 
          And put some Z at the end of some words . Haha i laugh like craaaaazayyy

Ahh holiday ! The first weekend on 2011 . Sleeping like the world got 36 hours a day . Imma writing in English for my i dont know who by the name angelina . So my homeplace friends are taking their motor    license . Boo but i am TOO ! Haha im just a week late than they are i hope . Haha i wanna i wanna a Yamaha FZ ! 

Boo hoo ! What a dreamer . Haha but i guess i still want it though . Cool ! I wanna i wann it so badly . Urghh license ouh license im gonna pass with flying colours . Remember me ! Muahahahahahah

Two Thousand Eleven
         Heyya ! What crackin laggin ? Haha sorry lama tak update . Biasalah saya masih bersekolah kan . Nak SPM lagi ! Haha busy sikit . So HAPPY NEW YEAR . Azam ? Hmm bab kata Osman 'Aku berazam untuk tidak berazam' . Tu Osman lah kan . Haha azam aku tak boleh bagitahu . Kalau tak tak bermakna kalau orang lain tahu . Haha tahun 2011 ni hope that bolehlah jumpa lagi ramai kawan . The more the merrier . Satu haribulan lepak bandar sengsorang je kott . Haha eh ye ke ? Haha lupa lah . 
        30 haribulan December pergi sekolah ambik buku teks . 17 kott . Berat mampus . Haha masuk kelas 5 bestari , Perghh kelas tu terbaik lah . Walaupun kipas tengah je kuat tapi sejuk gila kot . Haha kelas bawah angin masuk sikit . Duduk sebelah Zie . Osman duduk dgan Syahir Bisuu yang dah cakap sikit2 . Haha Cukang ngan Taqi duduk berdua . Osman ngan Zie selalu kutuk diorang dua . Contohnya :
               -Cuba kau tengok Taqi . Macam gay kan pegang2 macamtu
               - Aku rasa nanti diorang ni kacip ni 
             Haha macam2 lah lagi tapi dua tu je yang selalu aku dengar . Haha tahun ni motor takde . Hmm eff it . Haha motor rosak . Nak lesen kereta ah best sikit . Macam aca cool je bawak kereta . Haha nak ambik dua2 lesen pun boleh kott . Haha and ada budak baru . Hanif keluar dia masuk . Haha tgok dari belakang first2 jerit 'HANIF HANIF' sekali tengok muka ITS NOT HIM . Haha gila kelakar lah time tu . Nama Amzar . Ahmad 'Hanif' Amzar . Haha tiba2 middlename hanif . Hahah dari Johor . Pergh bawak LC kot . Dengki dengki . Hahah bila lah nak Fz ni . Ceit . Haahaha so nanti update lagi kot . Ni pun curi wifi jiran :DD Haha mintak password dengan anak dia . Haha kalau ada ada lah takde marah . Hahah

Eighteen December Two Thousand Ten
                    Pergh kenyang :D Okaykay cerita dari pagi . Haha before this day Kakde cakap nak keluar so aku nak follow but because tengah holiday tak biasa lah bangun pepagi buta . So bangun2 tengok2 mak abah kakde semua dah keluar . Tinggallah aku sengsorang dengan kucing . Haha bangun tgok2 dah pukul 1 . Haha call mak cakap nak keluar sebab kakde nak bagi duit belanja . Haha so mak suruh tunggu dia balik makan Mc'Chicken .

         KEJAPPP ! Melencong kejap . Haha i swear i dislike the Mc'Chicken Commercial . Like super Gedik perempuan tu . Mc'Chickennnnnnn sambil menggedik . Hahaha

       Okay sambung ! mak dah balik and makan jap . Dah siap2 dah . Haha then terus gerak . Suruh Zubir hantar . Haha kesian Kole kena jaga kedai . Haha so last2 terima kasih lah kat dia tolong hantar ke tunas manja . Haha naik teksi berhenti kat Kompleks . Haha then jalan masuk Kuantan Parade A.K.A KP . Haha taktahu lah apsal tapi tempat tu macam hina bagi budak2 ni . Haha so jalan dengan hina . Haha sumpah gelak gila2 taip hina. Haha sorry abang guard KP . Ini blog saya bukan abang . Hahaha then lalu Belwin pergh masyuk . Haha sabek je . Haha then gerak ECM atau lebih dikenali dengan East Coast Mall atau dikenali sebagai Pusat Beli-Belah Pantai Timur . Haha kawe dok tahu lah nak buat guane doh tibe-tibe kawe kechek bahase gapo dio . Haha sumbakkkk ! so pergi jumpa Kakde . Pergh setelah berjalan sekian lama masuk ECM it feels like heaven ! Got lights that came to my face and the breeze of air cond going through in and out of my clothes . Wah ! Haha then ambik duit salam haikal pakwe kakde and terus gerak Mega .

         P/s : Sebenarnya taktahu nak keluar dengan siapa

     Haha so call Osman and Cukang . Dua2 tak keluar . Haha damn damn damn . Haha nasib baik jumpa geng lama . Haha lepak dengan diorang . Mala cerita buat apa . Haha sebab mnde biasa yang dah biasa sebab dah biasa and biasa dah . Haha

    Okay then bukak phone banyak Misscall dari mak and kakde . Haha rupanya dah pukul 7 . Haha gerak terminal . Then mak cakap Mak Andak nak belanja Makan . Pasal makan ni aku pun tak pasti berapa besar perut aku ni . Haha cepat lapar gila . Hahaha so ingat nak makan kat Santai . But penuh . So Phuket dah cukup . Haha ingatkan makan sikit2 but rupanya Huh ! Hambek kau makan banyak gila . Haha makanan yang aku makan . Nasi putih dua pinggan penuh , Sotong celup tepung yang tinggi macam gunung , Ikan bawal sweet sour , Ikan something taktahu nama dia dua ekor , Tomyam and much more lah . Haha memang kenyang gila lahhh ! Haha terliur nanti kalau aku baca post ni balik . Haha so last2 balik takkan jalan lagi

Buaya Tembaga ?
             Hello ! Thanks to this boring holiday , it gives me time to update my blog . I got a tumblr , Fb , Myspace , Tagged , Twitter and more . Haha i can update them all . I started playing some games on facebook . Such as CityVille , CafeWorld , Texas Hold'em Poker , Snooker and i dont know how much . Haha if you have read my kinda latest post its about the Teluk Cempedak for celebrating Rara's Birthday .
           I watched the news and walawey . I saw a news saying that they found a 'Buaya Tembaga' at the beach . Lol ! Idk what Lol means . Haha so tembaga ? Kenapa tak emas ke timah ke perak ke . Haha memang orang tak takut lah kalau buaya emas . Haha orang serang pakai pahat nak kikis emas . Haha so gilalah . Nasib baik tak lepak sampai malam . Kalau tak mmg jumpa satu lagi haiwan buas . Dahla kena ragut dgan beruk . Kalau jumpa buaya pulak mmg Nauzubillah

A.S.S = Agent Of Secret Stuff
                    Hahaha cerita ni bullsh*t nak mampus . Haha pelakon dia nigahiga . Haha best gila tgok . Gelak gila2 kot tgok scene kelakar dia. Hahaha lagu blog ni pun dari movie dia . Haaha kelakar gila . Cari lah kat youtube . Haha dapat cerita ni pun dari Sharifah Hanisah . Haha dah boring sangat2 tgok jelah .

Twelve December Two Thousand Ten
         Grrrr . Marah gila balik dari Tc tadi . Haha cerita dari awal pagi lah . Okay ! First thing of all malam semalam text Rara tanya boleh tumpang kereta dia . And then dia cakap tak . So ingatkan tak gerak Tc lah . Pagi2 tu terbangun awal . Pukul 10 . Standard waktu international bangun pukul 1.30 . Dan dan je tiba-tiba ada call . Zaed rupanya . Haha so dia call tanya pergi tak birthday party Rara . So jawab tak , dia bebel macam mak aku sial . Haha dia amik cuti separuh hari nak teman aku lah apa lah . Last2 aku tumpang dia. Pergh memang merempit lah . Haha aku pulak yg bawak nye . Haha dah sampai sana ingatkan budak2 ni takde lagi . Jalan lah pergi teluk tongkang yang jauh nak mampus tu . Haha
         The first thig yang aku nampak bila sampai kat teluk tongkang tu , Set2 Jubur Katang ! Pakai spenda je mandi . Ramai2 pulak tu . Badan sorang-sorang mmg takpayah cakap . Keras ! Sampai2 sana tu , nampak Yo, Ehsan , Afyk , Rara of course lah kan sebab party dia , Haxif , Jonet and Aizad . Haha macam2 kecoh sial nak gila diorang buat . Haha dapat ke Zaed bawang dia tibai buah-buahan . Haha and then datang lah dua awek dari mana entah . First2 tak kenal jugak . So then kenal sendiri kot . Dapat kawan baru . Nama dia entah lah eja betul dok Ezza , and Mily and Harlena . Haha and then palagi Mandi lah ! Haha aku , Yo , Ehsan , Haxif , Jonet je yang mandi kot . Haha yang lain semua buat taktahu . Haha Naim bawak shisha siot . Haha rasa gampang gampang jugak . Haha and then tiba masa perempuan pulak kena basah . Haha paling kelakar Mily sibuk main pasir baling dekat orang . Aku sepak air ke dia . Dia kejar aku . Haha memang lari macam sial . Haha lari masuk pantai . Tengok2 belakang dah jatuh tersembam dalam air . Hahah lawak nak mampuss !

     Haha and then Jmee , Arisha , Rudy , Eddie , Suraya kot , Hanisah , and lastly Amy Chua baru datang . Haha orang dah packing baru nak datang . Amy jelah terbaik ! Fuh cakap pasal terbaik nampak tiga orang awek mandi jugak . Pink , Biru , and Kuning . Haha memang sexy lah . Haha terbaik dari ladang Haha and then lepak Mc'd . Otw Mcd jumpa Aliff . Baru datang jugak . Haha and then kitorang lepak dekat luar Mc'd . Aku makan frenc fries Mily je . Haha and then Ezza sibuk dok ambil yang Rara punya french fries . Haha and then tiba-tiba dia cakap aku pegang tettt dia . Haha aku jawab tak rasa apa . Haha last2 dapat jugak . Yayy ! Haha and then nak fikir naik apa ni . Nak naik Rara kereta penuh , budak2 ni pulak rumah jauh . So last2 teringat dekat jiran aku Ee . Haha call dia suruh ambik jap . Haha suruh ambik helmet dekat mak aku . Haha last2 mak aku call marah2 . Sebab menyusahkan orang . Haha and then sebagai tanda penghargaan aku belanja mc'chicken satu . Haha Mily suruh beli Prosperity dia tu . Nasib baik aku ala Gentleman menurut je cakap orang . Haha and then Mily and Ezza chow . Ee datang makan jap burger . Tengok2 burger satu lagi beruk dah ambik . Haish sial kau beruk . Haha aku tak kisah dah orang tgok . Haha sial sial sial . Burger tu dahla untuk mak aku . Haha sial betul . Haha aku menjerit kat tc tu , Beruk Tc Pu**M** !! . Haha and then bla je lah .

      Lastly thanks to Mily sebab banyak buat saya gelak and belanja makan , Rara sebab belanja makan free , and Zaed sebab tumpangkan aku and Ee sebab tolong hantar aku balik :D


 Ughh ! I guess vacation is boring when you do nothing :( Eff Eff Eff it . Haaha its so bored i wanna shit . No no its so bored i wanna take shit on myself . Hahaha cuti ni takde apa nak buat . Astro takde , Game baru tak beli , Kucing jadi malas sebab hujan , TV ? Duhh boringgg . Haha aku kalau bukak tv msti nampak cerita pelik . Haha putera katak ? Haha best best . Tapi macam tak realistik and kalau animation nampak sgt lah . Haha

  Wayang ? Nak jugak keluar tapi pitis takdop . Like ! Haha boring , saai , i mërzitshëm , ممل , 無聊 , Vervelendste , tylsä , ennuyeux , langweilig , 退屈な . Haha maybe i can speak in lots of language . But its not easy to remember all of it . Haha im playing one of this shooting game , called MAT . Pergh it rocks ! it is great what a moron for people that played hack . Effing them . Haha

  Kucing ? Gerammmmmm ! Haritu ada kat majalah 3 pasal kucing . Haha kucing comel gilaa ! Haha kalau boleh nak text semua orang suruh tengok . Haha persian dia comel mampos . Hahah arghhh ! Kucing aku jugak malas . Sejak start musim hujan . Kerja dia makan tidur makan tidur and berak . Haha so nak main ngan diorang pun jadi malas . Haha and i have three kittens . Arghh cutie . And their mom doesnt want to be it someone's hug . Haha i hate it like that . Haha here some picture of them
                                                 This One is V . The most laziest cat ive ever own .
                                             This is Dan . Shes black
                                               And this one is Ram . Haha shes cute and love to meow
                                      From left no.1 , no.2 , no.3 . The name is RamVDan .

     Hmm so nak cerita pasal lagu . Haha dulu aku suka lagu yang beat . Haha sekarang pun suka but lagi suka lagu slow . Such as Accoustic , Piano , Slow song , Violin . Aku siap cari lagu kat cartoon lagi . Haha tak kisah pun bahasa apa asalkan best . Hmm lagu2 yang aku suka dari Band Indie The Kooks . Haha abang aku yang kenalkan kat lagu diorang . Haha lagu Ooh La , Naive , Akways Where I Need , She Moves In her own way . Semua best !

   Lagu Goodbye my lover pulak slow + Piano . Pergh Lirik dia mmg touching gila ah . Penyanyi dia James Blunt . Memang menyayat perasaan lah kalau dengar . Nadiku - Sabhi Saddi best jugak . Haha note tinggi gila . Aku pun tengah try nak high note jugak . Haha harap boleh . 

  Lagu beat pulak cousin aku dari KL selalu mainkan . Haha sebab tu macam minat jugak . Haha How I Like It -  Afrojack ft. Major Lazer . Pergh kalau bass speaker kuat best gila dengar . Beautiful Monster - Neyo sedap jugak . Fncy Footwork - Chromeo tu aku suka sebab tengok Step up 3 . Haha banyak lagi aku suka lah . Tapi sekarang paling suka lagu ending Fruit Basket . Haha anime japan . Haha cerita tu dah berzaman habis .Cuma aku suka dengar je lagu dia

         Heyya Heyya Heyya ladies and gentleman . Ini review saya tentang Cerita
Ngankung ni . Haha Overall lah mmg best but boleh buat dgan lebih bagus . Haha tapi lawak mmg best . Saya suka pasal time diorang tengah nangkung tu hantu takde kepala keluar . Haha and bila hantu tu ikut diorang balik . Haha time pengsan sempat peace lagi . Hahaha tengok lah yek . Best :D

Meng-Follow Mak Ke KL
             Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ! Apa Khabar orang kampung , bandar , ceruk2 ? Haha boring dah aku dgar cerita pasal aku pergi KL ni . Haha bukan apa cuma mmg best pergi sana . Banyak kawan , awek2 meletup , tempat jln2 diorang wah ! tak terkata . Complete set ah ! Haha so kali ni story pasal perjalanan dia je .

             So ! First time dari aku lahir abah cakap pergi pagi mmg pagi betul . Pukul 7 . Selalu pagi dia pukul 12 or something like that . Haha so pakai mengarut-ngarut je . Berhenti kat Restoran Zaman . Roti canai dengan nasi lemak dia . Perghh ! Sedap kaw kaw kaw . Yumyum :) So lepak Zaman sampai akhir zamn . Haha pukul 9 baru gerak semula . Check-check phone tinggal berapa sen je . So alang-alang menyeluk stesen minyak , biarlah sampai beli topup . Haha ada 100 abah bgi 12 mak bagi = 90 minyak + 8.50 rokok Winston Light + Topup maxis 10 . Haha malangnya topup takde . Haha so duit topup baut harta . Haha so lepas isi minyak terus tidur . Last-last tahu dah ada KL . Haha bapak syok tidur . Haha ingatkan reunion Mak malam rupanya pukul 12 haritu . Haha Sampai sana dalam pukul 11 lebih jugak . First2 jalan2 cari tempat nama Restoran Nelayan . Nama jalan-jalan dia pelik ah . Haha Jalan Pahang je yang aku ingat . Haha so cari-cari jumpa satu rumah ni . Mansion kot ! Kereta depan pintu Ferrari sial ! Haha dalam tempat parking ada pulak Porsche , Mini Cooper . Pergh memang kaya . Haha then last2 lalu kat tasik . Mak call kawan tanya kat mana restoran tu then jumpa .

          First thing sampai sana nampak lah satu motor ni . Kemas jugak ! Oldskool lah dikatakan . Apalagi photoshoot terus !

Haha suka je aku tgok motor ni . Nampak Oldskool je . Haha and then nampak sorg pakcik ni naik basikal . haha Cute gila kot

Haha and then time mak abah and friends mak tengah enjoy aku and kakak aku pergi belakang tu . Pergh ! Tasik dia cun gila wok ! Haha apalagi :) Photoshooooooot . Bang . Hahahaha nak tgok gambar ? Tekan lah link FB kat atas tu ye . Kalau aku kenal baru aku approve . 

Osman Mat Ghempit
     Wengggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg kacha (gear dua) wengggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg kacha (gera empat terus) 

   Hahaha well guys  this is a story about a man who run away from the JPJ as he got no license . Haha kesian parok . Kena buli kaw kaw denga JPJ . ahaha ampun bang ampn . hahah 

  Okay ! the main point of the story is about Osman . Born on 12.6.1994 . Got a motor license . What ! Mat Ghempit abg kita sekarang . Haha dengan ex5 classic nye . Wah melencong ke kiri , mencilok bawah lori , melompat atas treler , Drift mengalahkan Ferrari . Haha itu dia driver modelling maxis celcom digi dia kebas semua . Haha itu dia itu dia itu dia . Kruk Kruk takde orang layan . Haha pergh naik Motor ngan Osman macam naik kereta ferrari . Laj bak kasturi . Haha 

Haneef Is Moving ! Tambah perjalanan seharian
      The First Of All the name is Haneef bin Ghani . Haha so he is moving to KL . KL bohh ! Hahahaha so 21/11/10  kitorang , by kitorang means : Kim , Osman , Taqi , Tajo , Razin ,Munir , Syaheer (Bisu version) , Faiz , Fawwaz t , Ayie , Nasuha , Donat(datang dari mana entoh) , Matpit ,. 

    Al-Kisah :
     Pada satu pagi yang indah lagi sedap nye angin . Pukul 8.00 Pagi aku bangun . Bapak awal , haha ingatkan nak ke bandar je but teringat pulak ada Grading Taekwondo kat SK(P)Mgs . Haha pagi2 mak dah membebel . Marah pasal kakde but aku kena marah . haha then nak pergi dapat 10 ringgit . haha then dah sampai nak ejas abah  cakap "Hmmph ! Takpayoh nak lebih . Cukup lah 10 ringgit tu , kalau bagi lebih kang pergi Snooker , Beli Rokok . Awak takpayah duit lebih " Pelempang se dia bagi . *haha tadok ah . Over-exxagerating je bak kata teacher Zarina . haha then dia gerak mana entah lah . Haha then sampai situ ada lah sorang trainer ni . Nerd gila kot . Rambut sikat tepi thenkeras kot . ahhaa sampai dengan Osman , ada sorg awek Cina datang . Tanya Nombor ? 17 Haha wah ! dia peang tangan and then tulis nombor . hahah rasa romantik kejapp . hahahah then tunggu turn masuk hall examination . Haha dah siap berpakaian taekwondo serba putih dengan ada kesan marker di lengan kanan , bertalipinggang hijau . hahah hijau je kott . haha so bila dah masuk ada nampak minah salleh sorang duduk dalam situ . Haha badan macam mak orang kot . haha AFS kot ? so tak ksisah ah dia . dah lepas Haiyak Haiyak tu gerak Mega . Pakai baju Taekwondo selamba pergi Mega . haha 

      First thing sampai mega pergi tandas sain baju . Bawak beg osman Earth Sound . Haha then Jumpa lah tipi dengan siapa entah . Haha then sambil borak + borak tiba-tiba ternampak ada dengar budak jerit Woo kat tempat orang kencing . Tengok-tengok ada budak tengah kencing sambil ambil jarak dari jauh . So nampak lah dia pnya tutut sambil air kencing terpancut dari jauh . haha gila lah macam terencat je . haha Then lepas dah salin baju . Osman ajak mcd . Duit sepuluh ringgit je . So kering makan situ . haha nd then nak gerak Starbuck . Gerak2 tengok aku tkdapat pun flyer untk pc fair . Osman dapat banyak gila . Muka aku muda sangat ke ? Haha so tengah jalan2 nampak Syaheer . Tengah mencari jalan sambil mengejas awek dengan kesianan dia . haha pastu fikir2 dah jalan kaki jauh2 baik suruh syaheer belanja kerusi urut . haha So bawak ah dia pergi situ . Haha sambil tunggu orang dapat mesin urut :D Thanks Syaheer ! Haha and then nampak Taqi and Tajo tengah naik Escalator . Haha Taqi Keluar bandar boh ! Haha ejas sikit . Haha kalau ikutkan mak Taqi dia takboleh dah keluar . haha So tunggu semua sampai kitorang lepak dekat kerusi urut dekat Camel Active :) Allah serabut gila dengan Munir . Sibuk tanya mana  mana budak2 ni . Datang tak lagi . Haish munir munir mende nak jadi mu ni . Haha so last2 lepak boling 

     Di boling 
      Tiba-tiba je datang kakde ni . Datang hulur Dslr . semua pelik . hahah aku pun pelik jugak . hahah Pastu pergi sembahyang Haneef datang .  Diiringi karpet merah nye . hahahah tapi dia  golek sendiri ah . hahahha  And so wth that the match begins :) Last2 Nasuha no 1 , Razeen no 2 , Aku no 3 .Haha main tak fokus langsung . hahahha Last sekali Haneef . Hahah bagi chance nak menang kot .
    So the day Osman banyak belanja . Thanks Osman ! Nnati kalau aku ada duit aku belanja kau pulak Okay ?

Kejadian sekali seumur hidup kot ?
     so so so boring duduk rumah so update lah this blog . haha sumbak parokk . so nak cerita kejadian yg berlaku sejak 23/10 haritu . haha Luna cakap nak bagi hadiah but tak bagi2 . so gaduh dgan dia and tak ckp 10 hari . haha sumbak nye lahhh .
    and that day tgok cerita You Again . perghh aku masuk awl2 tgok siapa duduk . awek ke lelaki ke so tgok perempuan gemuk and lelaki . so aku amik tmpt tgah2 . haha pergi dgan Zie and Cukang . haha cukang duduk sebelah lelaki tu tapi Zie paling sweet ah . dudul seela ah moiiii ! hahaha peluk2 lah apa lah . haish macam teddy bear dia cakap . hahahah

    hahahha Hiiiiiiii ! Ilove October :)

 Birthday aku siapa tak suka . :D aku nak hadiah ! hahahah please please please . sumbak weh duduk rumah sorg2 . kucing dah beranak ada 3 ekor . add ah dekat Fb Milo Ram V Dan . nak update gambar diorg hari2 . hahahha mengada doe diorang
  Haritu jumaat pergi hantar Liyana balik Mesir . KLIA ! bak kat haniff : KL BOHH ! HAHAHAH selok KL ah sorg tu . hahahah nak tulis apa ? nak tulis apa ? babiiii taktahu ahh . hahahha sumbak parok .

   and haritu kantoi smoke kat sekolah . and Im determine remeber what i said DETERMINE nak stop smoking . hahahaha sempena harijadi ni nak ckp aku nak stop ! ahahah betul2 ni . ahahhaha tournament taekwondo dapat gangsa

   perghhh taekwondo haritu kat UIA . biar gangsa asalkan aku puas hati sparring haritu :D kesian apa entah nama dia . Chinese Wong cun Lin i guess . hahah lawan aku aku tibai habisan . tapi last2 kalah . referre cakap aku sepak tut tut dia . hahahah takpe muka nak pengsan habis dah . ahahahha mak aku cakap : "Apsal pergi main macam orang India? kalau main macam melayu mesti menang ." sorry mak . Kim kan campuran . hahahahha booooooo ! sumbak tulis and boo diri sendiri . hahahah

   and i guess im otw to getting my dream girl . biarlah orang nak cakap aku ni kejar but tak dapat . but aku try setia . kan kan kan ? hahahahha

No one No one
       All that is needed in our life . I have friends but never have a best friend . Life is good and never been better . Love is going worst and worst day by day . Jutst make me like wanna die . But that is the uses of friends so we can forget about life and love . 
     God i love you and believe me i miss you . i wanna hold you in my arms . Gonna look into your eyes and hoping you would say the same to me . But i guess youre still in love with your ex . Haha do i care if that what you want to ask me . Of course i do you bitch . Never have this kind of feeling since im in love .
     Your ex . Hes younger Hes healthier Hes gangster Hes handsome Hes cooler Hes a lover Hes in the same school as you are and hes better than i am . I feel ashame because i think like i can be by your side but i know it just a dream . 

The Eid's is OVER
      its been long since i updated this blog . Hi readers :D how you guys doin ? Boring much ? haha so its like busy busy cause its Eid . Shit i only get less than 100 . Cause all the elderly think i have worked . hahaha i dont have rotten teeth like you guys . Actually not yet .  hahaha
     So like i stayed in Shah Alam for 5 days before Eid . I stayed at my charming Aunt Hawa's house . Oh My God ! I love her house . hahah she like has lots of cats . hahaha i think if i can choose between a pet store and her house ill pick her house . hahaha my Mum just like gave me 100 cause i said that i wanna go SHOPPING in KL . hahaha it ends that i just like go wander around in KL . hahaha
     And im typing this on the 23rd September : hour 0035 . I CANT SLEEP ! haha i dont know why . hahaha for the past day i cant sleep well and so at school ill be like SUPER HYPER ! Sorry guys and gals in my class . Especially the one who get their period daily . hahaha idk why but just wanna scold me scold me and scold me . Like i would care hahahah duhh . I dont get heartbroken that easily except if you are that special someone . 

Raya 2010
       Hello ! Selamat Hari Raya Ikhlas dari Hati saya :D semoga anda enjoy dengan raya tahun ini walaupun kajian cuaca mengatakan akan hujan sepanjang AidilFitri ini .

     SOOOOOOOOO , theme colour baju melayu and baju kurung my family is Black just like the theme of my blogspot ni . hahahah so pagi tadi semua menangis-nangis except for me :D hahaha because maybe i think lah i tak buat salah . hahahha
     and masa bergambar gilaa lah ! hahah ke sana ke sini ke sana ke sini ke sana ke sini ambi tempat diri duduk diri duduk diri haish penat . hahahah sampai last2 bergambar kan aku tunjuk rock and buat muka cam Gampang . hahahaha and abah cakap "muka camtuh buat masuk buku sekolah boleh lah, tak matured betul Kim" and dia go on bebel2 blablabla . hahahha so tak kesah . raya first gi rumah Cukang je .

    k k selamat hari raya and maaf zahir batin . but batin tak ramai kan ? hahahha

Shah Alam Maliii
    Hello ! haha selamat menyambut puasa and selamat hari raya . pejam celik pejam tak celik tinggal 3 hari nak raya . haha sedih kot nak raya sebab Oreo dah mati . hishh apalah langgar langgar ni .

   Right now kat Shah Alam kat rumah my aunt . nak shopping but ada 100 je . beli baju dua then dah ! hahah takpe asalkan dapat lepak sini . Liyana my sis nak ikut but haha kena jaga hati Yusra nanti touching pulak tinggal dia . hahha kesiann .

   Lepak sini hari2 keluar kott ! ahahah best sial . Lepak ngan my cous Taqi and Haiqal but selalu ikut Taqi sebab orang cakap matured kan ? hahaha dapat lah kawan2 baru . Mazrul a.k.a Mahathir , Man , Gampang paling kesian , Alam , Apam , Paan , entah lain lupa . hahahah so Rabu baru balik so nak buat kuih raya nanti ramai2 !

         hi ! todays friday on 27 august 2010 . today i slept a lil late because of the new friend i founded on some web Osman told me . Credits to Osman ! haha i slept like at 4 am . and i woke up at 1 pm . now is hour 1310 where i should getting ready to go to the Friday prayer . But i think i should tell you all bout the new friend i made

      Her name is Nathalia Rossi from manchester , UK . shes about the same age as me 16 . shes like very friendly and i was like talkative so we made good friends . And she even has a tumblr of her own . wow and its beautiful ! i started knowing her from 2 am and we talked and talked and talked . haha its fun having a keypal . hahaha i like to know her more . so bye bye

    Hello my name is *no need to know right ? just call me Kim . Dont and Never call me CICAK cause i always hated that name . If you ever call me that i may not befriended with you . Okay Fuckers ?

   Im sixteen when its the 21st October 2010 . Im a guy of course and im still a single man because im not that handsome and so called "jambu" like most of guys you can see . I hated when someone called me market or hot  . If you call me that i recommended you to go to the jealousy management cause i know youre just fuckin jealous of me having more friends just because i joined a Community on Myspace . I know you wanna join it too but you cant . Maybe just because youre not qualified of being with us with your kerek and batak style . so dont mind me im just sharing my feelings cause i know im not that calculator Maniac like most of you guys .

   Im studying at the most Fuckin Busteng school SMKBR . If there were a lot of were-Gorillas and were-Tarface we got the most of them here . The girls here is the one i hate the most . There are some that i preferred cause they got styles when we're goin out to town . I cant stand the girls and boys who somehow we called busteng because of their low-levelled sense of style . And most of the boys here are like Kampung where the never seen any Lonkang where most of them from my town friends . And i love my friends and when they talked about it i felt very sad for them . Oh God ! Forgive their sakai act . theyre Kampung .

better together- jack johnson
 i love this lyrics :D

There's no combination of words
I could put on the back of a postcard,
No song that I could sing
But I can try for your heart,
Our dreams, and they are made out of real things,
Like a shoebox of photographs,
With sepiatone loving,
Love is the answer
At least for most of the questions in my heart ,
Like why are we here? And where do we go?
And how come it's so hard?
It's not always easy,
And sometimes life can be deceiving,
I'll tell you one thing, its always better when we're together 

MMM, it's always better when we're together
Yeah, we'll look at the stars when we're together
Well, it's always better when we're together
Yeah, it's always better when we're together 

And all of these moments
Just might find their way into my dreams tonight
But I know that they'll be gone,
When the morning light sings
And brings new things,
But tomorrow night you see
That they'll be gone too,
Too many things I have to do,
But if all of these dreams might find their way
Into my day to day scene
I'll be under the impression,
I was somewhere in-between
With only two,
Just me and you
Not so many things we got to do,
Or places we got to be
We'll sit beneath the mango tree now

Yeah, it's always better when we're together
MMM, We're somewhere in-between together
Well, it's always better when we're together
Yeah, it's always better when we're together 

MmMMmm MmMMm MmMMm
I believe in memories
They look so, so pretty when I sleep
Hey now, and when, and when I wake up,
You look so pretty sleeping next to me
But there is not enough time,
And there is no, no song I could sing
And there is no combination of words I could say
But I will still tell you one thing,
We're better together

firstt Official Post :D
     hello and welcomme to my blog :D hahah lawa blog aku . terima kasih Aina busuk ! haha and cerita tak adalah der . sorry lah banyak-banyak . aku nak cerita apa ehh today ? aku takde idea lahhh . arghhhh ! Fucking idiot mind betol !
     oh yeah ! i forgot to tell everybody that kelas aku ada budak German masuk . nama dia Wiebke Stuhlman *entoh betol tak aku tulis ni . haha whatever lah . yeah shes a girl and shes beautiful . and shes almost the same height as me . haha but what i cant stand is the boys inside my class . so SAKAI !! HAHAH because iits like they've neva seen an ass or the longkang of someone . bila nampak that girl doin something jadi sakai nak mampus ! hahaha pelik je lah . hahahahha

hello :D
   heyyo everybody . im Tuan luqmanul Hakim but you can call me Kim . im 16 and i got a Facebook , Myspace ,Twitter and Tumblr too :D i love writing and im new in this Blogspot stuff . if you know how you can teach me please do :DD im looking forward to it .

*special kredit to : Anna :D